Thursday, 28 February 2019

Win some, Lose some.....Most important income

In Life, the most important mantra for success and wealth is "win some, lose some, most important income."

Sometimes in life, we win, sometimes we lose, but most importantly that overall we get income or in other words, there is an everyday improvement in life or the way Peter Drucker coined it as "Kaizen."

As Always Be Bless,

Dr. Lion.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

The coffin riddle: Getting out of the box.

Today, we will talk about the coffin riddle.

"When you are lock inside a nailed coffin and about to die, you will struggle to be alive and if you stop struggle to be alive anymore, you will pass away peacefully and the soul will leave the body."

This is always the same, with our lives. In our lives, we must be patient.

Let others have their needs and want to fulfill first. Just wait for our turn.

We cannot outsmart them, but we can always out-patience them.

Throughout the world, there are many proverbs to reward those that cultivate patience.

The following are few saying:

1. "Patience leads to Nibbana" as the Buddha claimed.

2. "Kesabaran adalah separuh daripada keimanan" as the Malay custom acclaimed.

3. "Every dog, has its day" as the English proverbs acclaimed.

4. "Delayed gratification" is the Chinese mantra since antiquity.

Moral of the story: God delay are not God-denial.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Characther is the habit that makes us into a man of Integrity.

The difference between every man is the character of the man.

Character is formed from habits.

Habits are developed from our sensory inputs and motor output every day.

If we make sure that our sensory inputs are free from lawlessness (see no evil, hear no evil and do no evil) and our motor output is full of righteousness (right speech, right though, right action).

Our brain would be trained to develop Good Habit.

Initially, we develop Good Habit and soon the Good Habit will develop us into Good Character.

A person with Good Character, will develop Good Personality and become a man of integrity.

As a man of integrity, we will be a better person.

This will make us be a loving human being and the fruition is we will be loved by others.

Therefore, we need to plant the seed that transforms us from a man of lawlessness into a man of righteousness.

Bless is God that put love in our heart to be a righteous man as "If we fulfill the law of love (aka the law of righteousness) we fulfill the law, as in the "Ten commandments from Prophet Moses" or basic "Five Precepts from Buddhist scripture."

In the Malay Archipelago, this involved the development of "akhlak mulia", which is aka "noble character development."

May we be a better person today than yesterday.

Moral of the story: A man is what he Think, Eat and Do Daily.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Covertness: Covertness is a Sin due to Greed by the Eye.

Covertness is due to Greed of the eyes leading to pride in the heart.

God abhors pride and is the reason for the first sin by Lucifer and Eve.

Pride is due to greed in the heart to be the best, the greatest, the warrior or number one.

If we reduce our need to be sanctified or approved or applauded by society, our greed, our pride and covertness will be gone.

We don't have to play by society script anymore, we play by our own script or own tune.

Therefore, we must play the tune of joy, happiness and wishing the good in others and not the society script of a top achiever, performer, richest, wealthiest and most successful anymore as all this aka competitive behavior, whereby we attached an adjective to a noun for comparison.

Bless is the day, we have God by our side.

Moral of the Story: Sing a happy tune and not the script that Society confronts us to be anymore.

In God We trust.

Be Bless as Always,

Dr. Lion.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Food for though: The son of famous mouse and rich rat: mousedeer.

One day a famous mouse married a rich rat.

The mouse family and rat family was suggesting a name for their child.

The following is their suggestion:

1. mouse-rat or Maserati.

2. mouse-dear or mousedeer

3. rat-mouse or Ratolittle

4. rat-dear or raccoon.

Be my guest and choose the best name for them?

Be Bless as always,


Wednesday, 20 February 2019

The abundance mentality - Prosper thy neighbour.

If we have the abundance mentality, our days will be better.

Compare the world, whereby everyone has an abundance mentality and the world whereby everyone has a scarcity mentality.

In abundance mentality, everyone will share and in a scarcity mentality, everyone will hoard.

With hoarding due to scarcity mentality, come suffering and guilt and fear.

With sharing come peace, joy, and happiness.

The Tao from Tao Tee Ching, clearly states that "the richest man is the poorest" and "the poorest man is richest."

Bless is the day when everyone shares with others under the abundance mentality concept and prospers their neighbor.

Moral of the Story: The Sower rule: the more wholesome seed that we sow, the more wholesome fruit that we gain.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Happiness comes from Harmony with nature

Every one of us has a story to share or a quest to find.

My Story or quest is very simple, looking for the golden grail of happiness.

Happiness comes from being content with what we have and not looking for more wants aka contentious living, which is to be congruent to our natural self when we are a kid.

Try to have limited wants and fulfill most of our needs.

If we mixed our needs and wants together, we are in big big trouble.

Needs are needs, wants are wants.

Living a happy and contented life is the highest blessing.

Moral of the story: Holy Grail of happiness is contented living, which makes us appreciative of others, count our blessing from God and reduce our myriads of wants and censoring or approval from society (which is akin to living within society script) that make us unhappy in the first place.

Be Bless as always,

Dr. Lion.

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Love, Love: Come to Me

Snapshot for the affiliated blog.

My Darling Princess May,

Love Love,
Come to Me,
Making Love,
Out of nothing at all.

You are Pretty Princess,
I am the brave Prince,
Love in Eternal Unity,
Beauty and the beast.

Love and Kisses,

Dr. Lion.

Friday, 15 February 2019

You are what you eat: Going back to natural diet

The Diet that we consume should be oriented to more caveman diet aka ancestral diet or natural diet

Our ancestral the caveman lives on fruit, vegetables, legumes, and nuts which he gathers from nature which is the forest without any pesticides, organocides, herbicides or fertilizers. They eat very little meat as man does not hunt very much.

However,  the nomadic tribe has domesticated a few animals such as cow, goat, and yaks for their milk to be taken raw or for cheese.

Currently, domestication of the animal leads to feeding with foreign hormone to make the animal larger, plumper and bigger in size. Saying so, consumption of blood products of animals adultered with a hormone that is foreign to our body should be averted, as our body needs our own hormone tailored to our body, to feel well, rejuvenate, repair and stay healthy.

Therefore, we should take a diet that is approved by nature, which is a natural diet. Failing so, we can take the mediteranean diet as suggested by doctors.

There are some articles which stated that there is a possibility for human lifespan to be extended to 100 years old with diet, relaxation, music and positive thinking.

May your day be blessed,

Dr. Lion. 

Thursday, 14 February 2019

The Secret of Getting a Good Night Sleep from Neuro Science Perspectives: Bio-rhythm

The Secret of getting a good night or healthy sleep for the brain from neuroscience perspectives is to change our brain waves from gamma brain waves to beta brain waves and finally to alpha brain waves.

When there is too much energy, when we consume stimulants, takes unhealthy food or see unhealthy movies, we are living on gamma brain waves and with gamma brain waves, we will feel stressful and unable to sleep at night as the energy in the brain is very high and this affect our emotion on the high side, known as high emotion or high energy in motion.

We need to change this high energy in motion to low energy in motion, to be able to go to sleep.

Saying so, we need to change from gamma brain waves to beta brain waves to alpha brain waves.

How to do that?

This is a million dollar question.

Some use sex, some use recreational drugs, some use tranquilizers.

But, one of the best options is by bio-rhythm.

Bio-rhythm treatment use music as a therapy.

One of the best music is available from nature, such as waterfall music or the sea music which relax our brain and bring it from gamma rhythm to beta rhythm to alpha rhythm.

Bio-rhythm can be used to treat a sleep disorder, mental disorder, Alzheimer (senile dementia), high blood pressure, high sugar level, and even substance addiction as we replaced the addiction with more pleasurable activity, which is going back to sound of nature and we are able to get a good rest and good sleep.

Bon Voyage,

Dr. Lion.

Anywhere there is God, that is our heaven

Anywhere there is God, that is our heaven.

The Eastern Philosophy called it Eastern Heaven and Western Philosophy called it Western Heaven.

Why worry about which heaven?

The most important is when there is God there is happiness as God is all about Love...the Love of God.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

Giving is very Greedy and Corruption is very Generous.

1. Giving is Greedy

Because through giving we sowed the spiritual seeds in others.

2. Corruption is very Generous

Because through corruption we sow others spiritual seed on us.

This is a metaphor and there as the proverbs always say "There is an easy and hard way."

As Always God Bless You,

Dr. Lion.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Overcoming Mental Disorder: Right Sensor Input produce Right Motor Output

Someone with a mental disorder like bipolar disorder or schizophrenic or multiple personality disorder need right programming in the brain or what we said right software to produce right motor output.

Therefore, we as layperson also need to cultivate the right mental attitude of seeing no evil, hear no evil and do no evil.

So that our fruition will be the right speech, the right thought, the right action.

This will leads to right fruit that wise sage say can lead to moksha, liberalization or Nibbana.

Moral of the story: Right software is essential for CPU in the brain for the right hardware in the body to works efficiently.

Be Bless as Always,

Dr Lion.

Friday, 1 February 2019

What is Love?

Love is from the Greek words Agape, Phalanx and Eros...with the acronym APE.

1. Agape is the love of God.
2. Phalanx is motherly or brotherly love.
3. Eros is couples love or sexual love.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr Lion.

God is Everything: The 5th Dimension from an Atheist artist point of View.

For an artist,

A dot is 1 dimension. A line is 2 dimension. A  picture is 3 dimension. A book is 5 dimension.

From an Atheist artist point of view.

A. 1 dimension consist of God only.

B. 2 dimension consist of God and the Prophets only.

B. 3 dimension is the second most stable structure in the universe and in the building block of everything, consist of God, the Prophets and the Holy Books.

C. 5 dimension is the most stable structure in the universe and is the building block of everything, which consists of God, the Prophets, the Holy Books, the Good and the Evil.

The End.

Moral of the story: Love God, is the Understanding.

Be Bless as Always,

Dr. Lion.