The first one is the evil mind, evil to all avail.
The second one is the good heart, good to all circumstances.
The third one is a crazy child, mad as a hatter.
We call this family: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.
First of all, let us see the evil mind. The evil mind is evil to his ways, but still open to reasoning.
Secondly, the good heart is good and doubtful as always, but still open to reasoning and truth.
Third, the crazy child is sick and the word to describe is "This is mad, really mad and not open to reasoning at all."
All three of them met a doctor and they really need help. The doctor's job is difficult, because all of them, have different needs, temperament and requirements.
The evil mind and the good heart can be easily treated and guided with logic and reasoning.
The evil mind, being evil and wise, which is open to logic and reasoning, need to be taught rules, that he needs to follow or suffer the consequences, of his choices. One of the best antidotes, for him, is "Fear God, Follow his commandments." As the mind delight in doing evil, giving the mind the proper food for thought will help him. The right way of living, with the right rules, will tame the mind. As it stops to waver like the waves and an idle mind is the work of the devil.
The good heart, which is loving but at the same time doubt her giving, would need to be lead to better understanding. The antidote for the good heart is "Lean not, own understanding."
The crazy child is crazy and leads to tons and myriad of problems for the doctor, as a crazy man, is not open to logical reasoning and the saying goes that, "A hungry man is an angry man." The hungry man whether he is hungry of food, time, knowledge or resources, need to be fed, the proper, "food for thought."
However, the doctor was wise, and he knows the riddle of "Time before Time" in Adam's family.
In order to help the crazy child, the doctor needs to find the root of their problems and not giving them antidotes such as tranquilizer, sedative or hypnotics.
As the saying goes "All problem need to be settled at the bud, which is the root of the problem."
So, what is the root of the problem in Adam's family? The root of the problem is their reflex mechanism when their existence or survival is at stake.
He assured the evil mind that as long as the evil mind, "fear God, follow his commandments," God will take care of the rest.
For the good heart, the doctor assured her that, "do not lean to her own understanding." She assured her that as long as she is calm and relax and trust God, everything will be fine.
The good heart being good and ever-giving will give everything to the child, including her very life. This makes the child, spoil to the core, need to be pleased all the time and become in a state of mad as a hatter, whereby the child, "was weak, not resilient, to the harsh environment, that the child needs to face and is in need of help, all the time, aggravating the child madness, as an escape mechanism."
The proper way the crazy child, need to be guided, is "not too stern, nor too lenient, like proper tuning of a guitar, to make sure that the crazy child, will be at his normal course of life and will always, be able to sing the normal, happy tune and not the mad hatter tune anymore."
Therefore, the evil mind, need to guide the crazy child, the right guidance and principle of living, in order to in-calculate, the right living blueprint in the child, which is to re-program the child, from total madness to a happy child, singing a happy tune.
The good heart was still in doubt and asked "Why? and How?"
The doctor answered "the Evil Mind, being evil is also wise and he will not "spare the rod and spoil the child" as the child is his own child and he loves the mad child as much as the Good Heart loves the mad child."
So, the Evil Mind, the Good Heart and the Mad Child lived happily ever after.
(Excerpts: the evil mind refer to our faculty of thinking, the good heart is our will-power and the mad child is our emotion)
Moral of the story: Do not be too wise or too foolish, for all die young and always sing a happy tune in life.
Be Bless,
Dr. Lion.
Good write. Keep on writing bro