Friday, 21 December 2018

Anger is a love problem.

Anger is a love problem.

Why do we get angry in the place?

We get angry when our needs are not fulfilled and we feel neglected.

Let us take a glimpse at "Incredible Hulk"

Why does the action movie hero, become as green as a hulk. He becomes a hulk, because of anger and become back to a normal lovely human because of love.

Then, you will ask me, "Why anger is a love problem?"

Anger is a love problem, because of neglected childhood.

When a child is neglected, the child would cry for help, show tantrum and be the little devil until his or her need is fulfilled.

So, this escape mechanism becomes our mantra when we feel neglected.

As this escape mechanism is bought into adulthood, we become angry, whenever our needs are not fulfilled or when we feel neglected.

When we feel neglected, we feel not being love and worthless as well.

This type of emotion can flare up, depending on the degree of neglect into an angry binge.

This feeling of anger will only subside, if our neglected feeling, is address.

This is adherent when siblings were competing for parental love.

The child will do everything, to get the parents attention, like working extremely hard, to get good grades in exams.

Therefore, it is better to "make love than to make war" the saying goes.

Moral of the story: Those who are slow to anger is a wise man.

Be Bless,

Dr. Lion.

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