Sunday, 14 April 2019

The science and art of Stock market

The axiom in the stock market: There is Time to Buy, Time to sell, Time to go Fishing.

Buying a share is Science.

As long as you buy a share with:
1.High EPS,
2.Low PE and
3.Low P/BV with
4.High Dividend yield and
5. With God blessing, everything will be fine.
6. It would be even better if you get a share with a low PE/Growth rate.

While Selling a share is an art.

As no one knows the top and bottom of a share.

We need to sell when the share gets above the fundamental of the company.

We sell a share when:
1. The share reach our objectives, whereby, the reason we buy is not there anymore or
2. The general market turn sour or
3. There is a political, economic or social risk ahead. Market hate risk or uncertainty.
4.When we need money.

No one has the crystal ball for investment, but, if we buy and sell with rationality, we will be all right.

The motto is "Win some, Lose some, Most Important Income"

Moral of the story: Buy when Mr. Market was selling and Sell when Mr. Market was buying.

Be rational when others lose their head.

May God bless us,

Dr. Lion.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

The Invincible Hands in Economics

In Economics, there is something called invincible hands.

A business that is not based on the principle of cost-effectiveness: Higher quality at a cheaper price will fail.

This is because the consumer of the future will be looking for goods or service at higher quality at a cheaper price.

This allows the company that is small and nimble to take over the Goliath of the day.

Moral of the story: David will overtake Goliath with the right strategy and pricing.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

What is the relationship between time and business

"Time is a friend of good business, enemy of a mediocre one."

Whether we like it or not, time will pass.

Moral of the story: Make time and money our friend and we will be successful.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

How do you spell disaster.

You spell disaster by being kind, stupid and greedy, all at the same time.

Moral of the story: Don't be too greedy or foolish, for all die young.

In God we trust.

Be Bless as always,

Dr. Lion.

Job of the Future

If we want to see the job of the future, We should take a preview at a developed nation.

In the developed nation, the job that needs high technical knowledge or skill and is dirty in nature pay the highest pay.

A job like the rubbish collector, toxic consultant, autopsy, undertaker, and coroner pay a very high pay.

Licensing Job also pays high pay such as a doctor, lawyer, engineer, accountant, and architect.

The job that will always have the demand is job like grab driver, mum and pup food stall by the roadside such as burger shop and any other things that fulfill the needs and wants of the consumer.

So, if we want to be relevant for the future, we need to be working at a dirty job or a licensing job.

If that is not possible, look for the opportunity to fulfill consumer needs and wants such as grab driver or burger shop.

Most important if you are out of job, trust God that the light of the faithful will not be put off.

Moral of the story: Look for a niche to fulfill customer needs and wants and you will be rewarded handsomely.

God bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Death of All business sooner or later: Consumer Paradox

The consumer always wanted a product or service at a higher quality and lower price.

Therefore, business needs to be both creative and innovative to deliver higher quality at a lower price or stay irrelevant at this game call business.

See Xerox, Kodak, and Nokia - all out of business, due to staying irrelevant to the needs and wants of society.

So, in order to stay relevant in the market, we must be innovative and set the trend for others to follow: Be a trendsetter.

Moral of the story: Either be the number one or two or be irrelevant in the industry.

Be Bless As Always.

Dr. Lion.

Surviving Mr.Market Bipolar Disorder

Mr. Market is believed to be suffering from Bipolar Disorder.

Therefore, we should be profiting from him.

The first 1000 richest person in the world, have something to do with Mr. Market.

If Mr. Market suffers from depression, he will quote a share at a very cheap price.

If Mr. Market suffers from the maniac, he will quote a share at a very high price.

Therefore, we must buy from Mr. Market, when he is in depression and sell to Mr. Market when he is in a manic state.

When Mr. Market is in depression, we need to buy from him quality good share at a very cheap price that he quote.

When Mr. Market is in a manic state, we need to sell to him quality good share at a very good price that he quote.

In the short term, the stock is a voting machine. If lots of cash, like a particular share it will go up due to buy order.

In the long term, a stock market is a weighing machine. If lots of scripts hate a particular share, it will go down due to selling order.

Moral of the story: The stock market is about looking for a deal that is value for money each day.

Be Bless as Always,

Dr. Lion.

What is really money....

Money is a medium of exchange or an instrument to be used by the owner, for the Good or for the Bad.

An instrument in the hand of the Good people will be Good money.

An instrument in the hand of Bad people, will be Bad money.

Therefore, we need to handle money wisely.

If we buy something, we don't need, soon we need to sell something, for buying the things that we don't need.

So, we need good consumerism or buying habits.

Moral of the story: Money is a medium of exchange, Good or Bad depends on the people handling it.

God bless,

Dr. Lion.

God and the Greedy Man

One day a guy met God and God grant him a wish.

He asked for as much wealth as he can set his sight on.

God agreed and told him that all the land that he can set his eyes on, will be his.

The guy runs from the morning, till afternoon, till night.

As the night approached, he died exhausted.

Moral of the story: Those who love silver, will never be satisfied with Silver.

God bless,

Dr. Lion.

Success come before hardwork not even in the dictionary.

The best advice that a mother can give to his son is to work hard.

Hard work is the one that propels Soichiro Honda, Henry Ford, Thomas Alva Edison, and Lim Goh Tong to be successful.

If we are not willing to accept no as an answer.

We will be successful, as what the mind can think, the body can achieve.

Whatever that we do, a rational mind, will win over an irrational mind.

If you are in a rut, just relax and think rational.

Choose the best to a worse alternative available.

Work hard to achieve your dream as big shot is a small shot that keeps on shooting.

So, work hard, be productive, which is to produce, more product and service that others want or in need.

As our productivity increase our income will increase.

Try to reduce our debts at all means.

A country can only be strong if productivity is more than income and income more than debt.

Moral of the story: The return from hard work is never sour.

God bless you,

Dr. Lion.