Monday, 1 April 2019

Success come before hardwork not even in the dictionary.

The best advice that a mother can give to his son is to work hard.

Hard work is the one that propels Soichiro Honda, Henry Ford, Thomas Alva Edison, and Lim Goh Tong to be successful.

If we are not willing to accept no as an answer.

We will be successful, as what the mind can think, the body can achieve.

Whatever that we do, a rational mind, will win over an irrational mind.

If you are in a rut, just relax and think rational.

Choose the best to a worse alternative available.

Work hard to achieve your dream as big shot is a small shot that keeps on shooting.

So, work hard, be productive, which is to produce, more product and service that others want or in need.

As our productivity increase our income will increase.

Try to reduce our debts at all means.

A country can only be strong if productivity is more than income and income more than debt.

Moral of the story: The return from hard work is never sour.

God bless you,

Dr. Lion.

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