Unforgiveness is a sin itself, as unforgiveness leads to a myriad of health problems.
Why is this so?
Unforgiveness is a fire that burns oneself from inside, in fact, it is our sympathetic fire.
When our sympathetic fire burns ourself, our fear or flight response is activated leading to palpitation, blurred vision, asthmatic attack, and even peptic ulcer.
If we live on with sympathetic fire, we would soon be hospitalized as our risk factors as above leads to full-blown disease and soon to other morbidity conditions such as stroke, heart attack, cancer or even asthmatic attack which can lead to sudden death.
Do have peace with yourself and don't play the script that burns you to death.
Playing with unwholesome emotion is unhealthy, as the fire in small quantity is wholesome, in large quantity is detrimental to life, as it can burn you to death.
Moral of the story: Don't let unforgiveness claim another life. Love yourself.
Be Bless As Always,
Dr. Lion.
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