Sunday, 5 May 2019

The Story about Money

Once, there was a man, Mr. Poor, who have the lady luck to meet Mr. Money.

Mr. Poor asked Mr. Money, "Why I am always poor?"

Mr. Money answered "You are always chasing after money. That is why you are always poor."

Mr. Poor asked further, "Then how can I be rich?"

Mr. Money answered, "Let money chase you and not you chasing after money anymore."

Mr. Poor was confused and asked, "Can you enlighten me, Mr. Money."

Mr. Money answered "Man has two legs while money has four legs. If a man with two legs were to chase after money with four legs. Money with four legs will outpaced man with two legs. Therefore, you need to sit thigh and wait for money with four legs to chase after you."

Mr. Poor nodded in unison.

Mr. Money continues "There is five rule of money:

1. That is to buy things or asset of value such as Grab, Ground, Gasoline, Gold, and Gourd.
2. Wait for the price to appreciate as the sitting is the one that makes us the most money.
3. Not chase after 'Fools Gold' as all things that glitters are not Gold.
4. Always exchange a thing of lesser value for a thing of better value based on price to book value ratio as in the Short term all assets is a Voting Machine. The long term all assets is a weighing machine.
5. Always Think and Be Positive."

Mr. Poor thanks Mr. Money, promised to amend his way and from that day decided to be Mr. Rich.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr Lion.

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