Friday, 21 December 2018

Reborn again: Fulfilling all our needs by sowing the right seeds.

Let us see, what is a seed.

The seed is something that is living, growing and will germinate into trees that are many times greater, bigger and stronger than the seeds itself.

Let us see a mustard seed. A mustard seed is small, but it will germinate into an oak tree, with the right condition and ambient environment that will be sustenance for the seed to grow.

Back to us human, we have all the seeds that we need to grow into an ideal person.

An ideal person is someone, who is able to fulfill their needs, in the way that is censor by the wise, for our journey on earth and our destination in heaven, later on.

I being a practical person, would need money, good physical health, good emotional health, wisdom and love of God to make me feel complete again.

Everyone has the seed of greatness in us, we only need to let it germinate on the right foundation, which is based on rock and not sand.

First, on money, I will plant the money seed. The rule of the land dictates that if we plant money seed, by donating to others, we are borrowing to them. As the rules of the land also said that borrower is always obliged to the lender. This type of seed will make us wealthy.

However, there is a caption, the law of sowing the seed, act as a two edge sword, if we borrow, steal or receive the corrupted seed, we are always obliged to the lender of the seed. That is why some are poor and some are rich.

Second, Physical health. If we plant the seed of physical health, by "eating right, sleeping right and living right." Our physical body will grow into a strong body that can give us a better quality of life and a longer life span.

Thirdly, Emotional Health. If we were to give love to others. We are planting love seeds. If we plant love seeds in our life, our physical body and actions will be transformed into a lovable person. A lovable person is attracted by others, just like a magnet. That is why you see some of us can mesmerize others easily. This is because they were emitting an aura of love and happiness.

Fourthly, Wisdom. If we plant the seed of wisdom, by sharing the truth and think about the good of others. The good will always come back to us. As the saying goes, "one good turn deserves another."

Finally, Spiritual Health. If we plant the spiritual seed of seeking God for a higher purpose in life, we will be rewarded as well. As God is the source of everything, since the time of creation. If we were in danger or our life at stake, we will call out for only two people, which is God or our mother. Bless us for knowing God and having a loving mother.

This is the parables of the sower.

Moral of the story: Reap what you sow.

Be Bless,

Dr. Lion.

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